Do your Web pages deliver the goods?

Give me what I want. You have 5 seconds. GO!

To achieve results Web pages need to be topic specific, easy to navigate, and have a clear objective in mind. A case in point…

I recently received a call from an overseas web design company offering outsourcing services. The telephone sales rep calling (on a crumby VOIP line) professed the firm enjoyed years of Web site design experience. He offered professional personalized service, availability during my time zone. They are “knowledgeable especially in e-commerce sites” he said, and could he send me some info?

So I took a look at their Web site to see what kind of work they do. Okay, good, the home page looks clean and crisp, oh wow flash – yawn.

I see a link to an e-commerce page (one of the projects I am currently involved with is an e-commerce site) great. I read a bit then see 3 “recent sites” at the bottom of the page. Well, let’s have a look! Yip, Web sites all right, but not e-commerce sites. Okay, let me look at a couple more, nope not e-commerce sites either. Sooo, do they do e-commerce sites or not?

When someone lands on one of your Web pages, testing shows you have 5 seconds or less to give them what they want. It doesn’t matter if its Organic Search or Pay Per Click (PPC). If they are looking for shoes and you show them coats remember boots are made for walking.

Dedicated each Web page from product category level all the way down to the individual product. Target your PPC ads and links to these dedicated pages, the more specific the search term the more specific the landing page must be.

You are spending money and using valuable resources to maintain a Web site, get your money’s worth. Give them what they want so they can buy it from you!

One Reply to “Do your Web pages deliver the goods?”

  • You’re so right. If you don’t catch their attention in the opening heading tag and paragraph, you’ve lost them to the back button.

    I’ve visited so many Web sites that don’t tell me up front what they’re about. If I’m confused, I’m gone. They’ve lost a customer.

    Very good post.

    Robin Nobles
    Search Engine Workshops

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